Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh no, not again!

Printed Pants, yup I've said it. They seem to be making a comeback, albeit a slow one given how awful they look on most people. Yeah, I said that too....awful, just awful. According to the blog Fashionising http://www.fashionising.com/trends/b--Patterned-printed-pants-womens-fashion-trend-2403.html this is a trend that was predicted by many people last Fall, but hasn't really taken off due to the unpredictability of how the pants look on people. They do give many tips on how to wear them, but it seems as though people try to do the "skinny" cut, and really not good in the past, not good now......I hope they never make it up here; maybe NYC or LA where skinny people reign, but not in farm country.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hazy, Hot and Humid

....has reached the town. So air conditioners are flying off the shelves, people are carrying washcloths around with them and people are wearing way inappropriate clothing. Hey put a shirt on you .... yeah you!

Is this going to be our Summer of Discontent? Usually the humid weather comes and then it is all over for the Summer, then it becomes rainy and wet and we go right into Fall.

Can we all say a little prayer that this year will be different and we will all enjoy a nice, moderately tempered Summer and we are happy when we are lounging around in the sun?